Tuesday 8 December 2015

english for SSC Exam

idioms with meanings
Example: Your offer sounds good1.    IN BLANK AND WHITE (लिखित में)
– in written or printed form 
, but I want you to put it in black and white.

2.    IN BLACK AND BLUE : (बुरा पीटना)
- If a person or part of their body is black and blue, their skin is covered with bruises (= black marks caused by being hit) 
Example: He was beaten black and blue at boarding school.

3.    GO THE WHOLE HOG (कोई कार्य पूरी तरह से करना )
- to do something as completely as possible
Example : It was going to cost so much to repair my computer, I thought I might as well go the whole hog and buy a new one. 

4.    OUT OF THE WOODS (कठिनाइयों से मुक्त)
- free from difficulties or troubles’
Example: When the patient got out of the woods, everyone relaxed.

5.    OUT OF THE WORLD  (अद्भुत, शानदार)
– absolutely beautiful magnificent wonderful

6.    WRAP UP IN COTTON WOOL (बहुत  सुरक्षा देना)
- protect too much from dangers or risks
Example: She wraps that child up in cotton wool as if he's some precious jewel.

7.    TURN A DEAF EAR TO  (सुनने से इनकार)
- to ignore what someone is saying
Example:  The Supreme Court said there was a need for action, but Congress has turned a deaf ear to the Court. 

- Be or remain up to date with or well informed about.
Example: This new service helps doctors keep abreast of the newest drugs available.

9.    GIVE A GOOD ACCOUNT OF (कार्य अच्छी तरह से करना)
- to do (something) well or thoroughly. 
Example: John gave a good account of himself when he gave his speech last night

10.  MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OF (सब कुछ कबूल करना )
- Make a full confession of something , especially something bad or illegal that you have done, so that you do not have to feel guilty any more.
Example: After months of lying about the money, I decided to make a clean breast of it and tell the truth.

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