Saturday, 6 June 2015

Banking Awareness

1. Banks in our country normally publicize that additional interest rate is allowed on retail domestic term deposits of?
a) Minors 

b) Married Women
c) Senior citizens 
d) Government Employees 
e) Rural residents

2. When the rate of inflation increases?
a) Purchasing power of money increases
b) Purchasing power of money decreases
c) Value of money increases
d) Purchasing power of money remains unaffected
e) Amount of money in circulation decreases

3. A centralized database with online connectivity to branches, internet as well as ATM-network which has been adopted by almost all major banks of our country is known as?
a) Investment Banking

b) Core Banking
c) Mobile Banking
d) National Banking

e) Specialized Banking

4. Which of the following is NOT considered a money market instrument?
a) Treasury Bills

b) Repurchase Agreement
c) Commercial Paper 
d) Certificate of Deposit

e) Shares and Bonds

5. Which of the following is necessary while opening deposit accounts in banks?
a) Will

b) Registration 
c) Nomination
d) Indemnity
e) Guarantee

6. Which of the following is not a banking term?

a) Letter of credit
c) Factoring services 
d) Entry load

e) None of these 

7. Which of the following organizations issue the rules of global trade? 
a) IMF
b) World Trade Organization

c) Foreign trade
d) G-20

e) None 

8. One single statement that depicts the financial position of a Bank and / or Business enterprise at a given point of time is called: 
a) Statement of product details 

b) Foreign exchange
c) Balance Sheet
d) Balance of payment
e) Trading and Manufacturing account 

9. The Reverse Mortgage scheme is launched to give benefit to which of the following groups of society? 
a) Persons below 60 yrs 
b) Senior Citizens
c) Unemployed youth
d) Orphans 

e) All

10. One of the major challenges banking industry is facing these days is curbing deliberate efforts of some people to bring money earned through illegal activities in circulation. Which of the following act is passed to prevent this activity? 
a) Payment & settlements Act

b) Control money supply Act 
c) Narcotics and Psychotropic substance Act
d) Prevention of Money laundering Act
e) None

11. Which of the following scheme is not meant for investment purposes?
a) National saving certificate 

b) Infrastructure bonds 
c) Mutual funds
d) Letter of credit 
e) None of these 

12. Basel norms which are important regulatory stipulations are meant for which sector? 

a) Insurance 
b) Banking 
c) Micro finance 
d) Pension funds

e) None 

13. Systematic investment Plans relates to:
a) Mutual Funds 
b) Life Insurance Companies

c) Commercial Banks
d) Post office savings schemes 

e) None

14. Euro money is the official currency of?

b) UN
c) European
d) Germany and England
e) None of these 

15. Which of the following is an example of cash less purchase? 

a) Debit card
b) Credit card
c) ATM withdrawal
d) All of the above 

e) None

16. Whose signature appears on Indian Rs. 100 note? 

a) Finance Minister 
b) RBI Governor

c) Finance Secretary
d) Chairman, Planning Commission
e) None 

17. While discussing investments there is a mention of short term government security. What is this investment?
a) Debenture

b) Mutual funds
c) Treasury bill 

d) Share
e) None of these 

18. NBFCs are an important part of the Indian financial system. what is meant by this term? 
a) New Banking Financial Companies 
b) Non Banking Financial Companies 
c) Neo Banking Financial Confederation
d) Non banking Fiscal Companies

19. Banking loan against property requires the asset to be free from encumbrances. What does it mean? 
a) The asset to be free from any liability
b) The asset to be properly registered 
c) The property to be fully constructed 
d) The asset should not have multiple owners 
e) None 

20. RBI stipulates a healthy mix of CASA in the business figures of banks. What is CASA? 
a) Customer Analysis and Savings Pattern
b) Cost Appreciation and selling Analysis
c) Current Account and saving Account
d) Credit and savings Aggregate
e) None of these 

21. Which one of the following is not an electronic banking delivery channel?
a) Mobile Vans
d) Mobile Phone Banking 
c) Internet Banking
d) Tele Banking

 e) ATM

22. The Rate at which the domestic currency can be converted into foreign currency and vice-versa is known as the ____
a) Exchange rate
c) Inter bank Call money rate

d) Base rate 

23. Now-a-days Banks are selling third party products. Example of third party product is:
a) Mutual funds

b) Term deposits
c) Credit cards

d) All of these
e) None 

24. Electronic Clearing Service in banks can be availed only by:
a) Individuals 

b) Corporates 
c) Senior Citizens 
d) All of these 

e) None


1) c; 2) b; 3) b; 4) e; 5) c; 6) d; 7) b; 8) c; 9) b; 10) d; 

11) d; 12) b; 13) a; 14) c; 15) d; 16) b; 17) c; 18) b; 19) a; 20) c;
21) a; 22) a; 23) a; 24) d; 


Mental Ability

1. Mohan is 18th from either end of a row of boys ? How many boys are there in that row ?
(A) 26
(B) 32
(C) 24
(D) 35

2. In a class of 60 where boys are twice that of girls, Ramya ranked 17th from the top. If there are 9 boys ahead of Ramya, how many girls are after her in the rank ?
(A) 26
(B) 12
(C) 10
(D) 33

3. ‘Soldier’ is related to ‘Army’ in the same way as ‘Pupil’ is related to ……….
(A) Education
(B) Teacher
(C) Student
(D) Class

4. ‘Kilogram’ is related to ‘Quintal’ in the same way as ‘Paisa’ is related to ……….
(A) Coin
(B) Money
(C) Cheque
(D) Rupee

5. ‘Stammering’ is to ‘Speech’ as Deafness is to ……….
(A) Ear
(B) Hearing
(C) Noise
(D) Commotion

6. ‘Guilt’ is to ‘Past’ as ‘Hope’ is to ……….
(A) Present
(B) Future
(C) Today
(D) Hopeless

Directions—(Q. 7 to 9) based on the alphabets.
7. If the sequence of the alphabets is reversed which of the following would be the 14th letter from your left ?
(A) N
(B) L
(C) O
(D) None of these

8. Which letter is the 8th letter to the right of the letter, which is 12th from the left ?
(A) V
(B) T
(C) W
(D) Y

9. Which letter is the 8th letter to the right of the letter which is 10th to the left of the last but one letter from the right ?
(A) V
(B) X
(C) W
(D) I

10. What should come in the place of (?) in the given series ?

11. Typist : Typewriter : : Writer : ?
(A) Script
(B) Pen
(C) Paper
(D) Book

12. Paint : Artist : : Wood : ?
(A) Furniture
(B) Forest
(C) Fire
(D) Carpenter

13. acme : mace : : alga : ?
(A) glaa
(B) gaal
(C) laga
(D) gala


15. ‘Medicine’ is related to ‘Patient’ in the same way as ‘Education’ is related to—
(A) Teacher
(B) School
(C) Student
(D) Tuition

16. Fill in the missing letter in the following series—
S, V, Y, B, ?
(A) C
(B) D
(C) E
(D) G

17. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ?
3, 8, 6, 14, ?, 20
(A) 11
(B) 10
(C) 8
(D) 9

18. Select the correct option in place of the question mark.

19. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ?
1, 4, 9, 25, 36, ?
(A) 48
(B) 49
(C) 52
(D) 56

20. In a certain code ‘CONTRIBUTOR’ is written as ‘RTNOCIROTUB’. How is ‘prohibition’ written in that code ?

21. If ‘CAT’ and ‘BOAT’ are written as XZG and ‘YLZG’ respectively in a code language how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language ?

22. In a code language SINGER is written as AIBCED then GINGER will be written in the same code as—

23. If BAT is coded as 283, CAT is coded as 383 and ARE is coded as 801, then the code for BETTER is—
(A) 213310
(B) 213301
(C) 123301
(D) 012334

24. If water is called black, black is called tree, tree is called blue, blue is called rain, rain is called pink and pink is called fish in a certain language then what is the colour of sky called in that language ?
(A) Blue
(B) Fish
(C) Rain
(D) Pink

25. A man walks 3 km northwards and then turns left and goes 2 km. He again turns left and goes 3 km. He turns right and walks straight. In which direction he is walking now ?
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South

26. One morning after sunrise Vikram and Shailesh were standing in a lawn with their back towards each other. Vikram’s shadow fell exactly towards left-hand side. Which direction Shailesh was facing ?
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South

27. Nageena is taller than Pushpa but not as tall as Manish. Rama is taller than Namita but not as tall as Pushpa. Who among them is the tallest ?
(A) Manish
(B) Pushpa
(C) Namita
(D) Nageena

28. In an examination Raj got more marks than Moti but not as many as Meena. Meena got more marks than Ganesh and Rupali. Ganesh got less marks than Moti but his marks are not the lowest in the group. Who is second in the descending order of marks ?
(A) Meena
(B) Rupali
(C) Raj
(D) None of these

29. Pointing to a photograph of a girl, Rajan said “She has no sister or daughter but her mother is the only daughter of my mother.” How is the girl in the photograph related with Rajan’s mother ?
(A) Sister in law
(B) Grand daughter
(C) Daughter in law
(D) None of these

30. If Amit’s father is Billoo’s father’s only son and Billoo has neither a brother nor a daughter. What is the relationship between Amit and Billoo ?
(A) Uncle—Nephew
(B) Father—Daughter
(C) Father—Son
(D) Grandfather—Grandson

31. An application was received by inward clerk in the afternoon of a weekday. Next day he forwarded it to the table of the senior clerk, who was on leave that day. The senior clerk next day evening put up the application to the desk officer. Desk officer studied the application and disposed off the matter on the same day, i.e., Friday. Which day the application was received by the inward clerk ?
(A) Tuesday
(B) Earlier week’s Saturday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Monday

32. Flight to Mumbai leaves every 5 hours. At the information counter I learnt that the flight took off 25 minutes before. If the time now is 10 : 45 a.m., what is the time for the next flight ?
(A) 2 : 20 a.m.
(B) 3 : 30 a.m.
(C) 3 : 55 p.m.
(D) 3 : 20 p.m.

33. Babloo ranked 16th from the top and 29th from the bottom among those who passed an examination. 6 boys did not participate in the competition and 5 failed in the examination. How many boys were there in that class ?
(A) 44
(B) 40
(C) 50
(D) 55

34. Indra is 7th from the left and Jaya is 5th from the right. When they interchange their position Jaya becomes 19th from the right. What is Indra’s position from the left ?
(A) 21st
(B) 19th
(C) 23rd
(D) 20th

35. How many 5’s are there in the following sequence of numbers which are immediately preceded by 7 ?
8 9 5 3 2 5 3 8 5 5 6 8 7 3 3 5 7 7 5 3 6 5 3 3 5 7 3 8
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

Directions—(Q. 36 to 39) Select the one which is different from the other three. 
36. (A) Bokaro
(B) Jamshedpur
(C) Bhilai
(D) Agra

37. (A) January
(B) February
(C) July
(D) December

38. (A) Bible
(B) Panchsheel
(C) Geeta
(D) Quran

39. (A) Star
(B) Sun
(C) Sky
(D) Moon

40. How many 8’s are there in the following sequence which are immediately preceded by 6 but not immediately followed by 5 ?
6 8 5 7 8 5 4 3 6 8 1 9 8 5 4 6 8 2 9 6 8 1 3 6 8 5 3 6
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

41. If EARTHQUAKE is coded as MOGPENJOSM then EQUATE will be coded as—

42 If COUNTRY is coded in certain way as EMWLVPA, ELECTORATE will be coded in the same manner as—

43. ‘Air’ is to ‘Bird’ as ‘Water’ is to ……….
(A) Drink
(B) Fish
(C) Wash
(D) Swim

44. ‘Pencil’ is to ‘Write’ as ‘Knife’ is to ……….
(A) Injure
(B) Peel
(C) Prick
(D) Attack

Directions—(Q. 45 to 50) Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?

45. (A) Green
(B) Red
(C) Colour
(D) Orange

46 (A) Rabbit
(B) Crocodile
(C) Earthworm
(D) Snail

47. (A) Polo
(B) Chess
(C) Ludo
(D) Carrom

48. (A) Sun
(B) Universe
(C) Moon
(D) Star

49. (A) Cheese
(B) Milk
(C) Curd
(D) Ghee

50. (A) Carrot
(B) Radish
(C) Potato
(D) Brinjal

Answers :
1. (D) 2. (B)
3. (D) As ‘Soldier’ is a part of ‘Army’ in the same way ‘Pupil’ is a part of ‘Class’.
4. (D)
5. (B) As ‘Stammering’ is a defect of ‘Speech’ in the same way ‘Deafness’ is a defect of ‘Hearing’.
6. (B)
7. (D) The 14th letter from the left in the sequence of alphabet when it is reversed, is M.
8. (B) The letter 12th from the left in alphabet is L and the 8th letter to the right of ‘L’ is ‘T’.
9. (C) The last but one letter from the right is Y and from Y the 10th letter to left is O and from O, 8th letter to the right is ‘W’.
10. (A)
11. (B) As the tool for ‘Typist’ is ‘Typewriter’, similarly the tool for the writer is ‘Pen’.
12. (D) As ‘Paint’ is used by ‘Artist’, similarly ‘Wood’ is used by ‘Carpenter’.
13. (D) 14. (D)
15. (C) As ‘Medicine’ cures the ‘Patient’, similarly ‘Education’ educates the ‘Student’.
16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (C) 19. (B) 20. (D) 21. (C) 22. (B)
23. (A) 24. (C) 25. (B) 26. (D) 27. (A) 28. (C) 29. (B) 30. (C)
31. (C) The application was received by the inward clerk on Wednesday.
32. (D) 33. (D) 34. (A)
35. (A) Reqd. ‘5’s are printed boldly in the sequence below :
8 9 5 3 2 5 3 8 5 5 6 8 7 3 3 5 7 7 5 3 6 5 3 3 5 7 3 8
36. (D) All the rest cities are famous for Ironindustry.
37. (B) Each of the rest month has thirtyone days.
38. (B) All the rest are religious books.
39. (C) All the rest are heavenly bodies.
40. (C) Reqd. ‘8’s are printed boldly in the sequence below :
6 8 5 7 8 5 4 3 6 8 1 9 8 5 4 6 8 2 9 6 8 1 3 6 8 5 3 6
41. (D) 42. (D)
43. (B) As ‘Birds’ fly in ‘Air’, similarly ‘Fish’ swim in ‘Water’.
44. (B) As ‘Pencil’ is used for ‘Writing’, similarly ‘Knife’ is used to ‘Peel’.
45. (C) All the rest are different ‘colours’.
46. (A) All the rest are related with water.
47. (A) All the rest are indoor games.
48. (B) All the rest heavenly bodies.
49. (B) All the rest products are made from ‘Milk’.
50. (D) All the rest grow under ground.