Thursday, 19 December 2019


1. STASH (noun): छिपाने की जगह
Meaning: A store or supply of something, typically one that is kept hidden or secret.
Synonyms: cache, hoard, stockpile, store, reserve, reservoir, stock, provisions, resources.
Antonyms: cast, discard, dump, jettison, throw away, throw out, consume, squander, use up, waste, hand over, relinquish, dissipate, fritter (away), lavish, misspend. Usage: He looks around for a place to stash the dough and start a new identity.
2. STEER (verb): रास्ते पर लाना
Meaning: Guide the movement or course of.
Synonyms: guide, conduct, direct, lead, take, usher, escort, shepherd, marshal, herd.
Antonyms: abandon, ashore, fuddle, trail.
Usage: I held back a smile at his obvious attempt to steer me back on course.
3. SEMBLANCE (noun): दिखावा
Meaning: The outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different.
Synonyms: appearance, outward appearance, approximation, show, guise, pretence, facade, veneer
Antonyms: dissimilarity, unlikeness, disagreement, disproportion, incongruity, unlikeness.
Usage: We get no closer to any semblance of truth or any semblance of an idea of the best possible way forward.
4. WELL OFF (adjective): धनी
Meaning: Wealthy
Synonyms: rich, affluent, prosperous, opulent, substantial, comfortable
Antonyms: penniless, deprived, impoverished, beggared, needy, underprivileged
Usage: If you want to have well-off families, you have to have a wealth-creating economy in place.
5. PORTEND (verb): संकेत मिलता
Meaning: be a sign or warning that (something, especially something momentous or calamitous) is likely to happen.
Synonyms: presage, augur, foreshadow, foretell, prophesy, be a sign of, indicate, herald, signal, bode, signify, spell, denote; betoken.
Antonyms: oblivious, contraindicate, assure, calculate, determine, establish, insure, demonstrate.
Usage: By hovering nearby, the dark clouds portend a storm in our area.

6. SUPERANNUATED (adjective): 
Meaning: outdated or obsolete through age or new developments;
Synonyms: anachronistic, antiquated, broken-down, clapped out, defunct, long in the tooth, moribund, no longer used, obsolete, old, old-fashioned, out of date.
Antonyms: modern, current, modish, newfangled, active, modernized, hipster, fashionable.
Usage: The information on my website was superannuated and needed updating.
7. PROSELYTIZE (verb): फुसलाना
Meaning: convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.
Synonyms:  advocate, aid, assist, boost, brainwash, bring into the fold, convert, endorse, espouse, evangelize, foster, preach, proclaim, promote, propagandize, propound.
Antonyms: oppose, attack, refuse, disagree, renounce, repudiate.
Usage: It has been said that Mother Teresa was part of the missionary and her primary role here was to proselytize.
8. MISCONSTRUE (verb): गलत समझ
Meaning: interpret (a person’s words or actions) wrongly.
Synonyms: misapprehend, misunderstand, misinterpret, misperceive, misread, miss, mistake.
Antonyms: appreciate, apprehend, comprehend, conceive, fathom, get, grasp, penetrate, perceive, savvy, seize.
Usage: Judy had no idea that her intended compliment had been completely misconstrued by her aunt.

9. DODDER (verb):
Meaning: tremble or totter, typically because of old age.
Synonyms: totter, toddle, hobble, shuffle, shamble, falter, walk haltingly, walk with difficulty, stumble, stagger, sway, lurch.
Antonyms: steady, fix, hold, placate, stay, still, soothe, remain.
Usage: The old woman doddered from the bed to the table
10. AGAPE (adjective): भौंचक्का 
Meaning: (of a person’s mouth) wide open in surprise or wonder.
Synonyms: expectant, agog, anticipant, anticipatory, breathless, eager, enthusiastic, raring.
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, unimpressed, uninterested, unmoved.
Usage: When I first saw the sunset in the Grand Canyon, I could only stand staring with my mouth agape.