Saturday, 7 March 2015

Economics for SSC & BANK PO/Clerk Exam

Economics :- Banking System

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
The RBI was established by passing “trasfer of public ownership Act” in Sep-1948 under which the ownership of the bank was passed into the hands of the Government of India with effect from 1st January 1949.

RBI Functions
1.      Traditional functions
·         Monopoly of currency notes issue
·         Banker to the Government (both the central and state)
·         Agent and advisor to the Government
·         Banker to the bankers
·         Acts as the clearing house of the country
·         Lender of the last resort
·         Custodian of the foreign exchange reserves
·         Maintaining the external value of domestic currency
·         Controller of forex and credit
·         Ensures the internal value of the currency
·         Publishes the Economic statistical data
·         Fight against economic crisis and ensures stability of Indian economy.

2.      Promotional functions
·         Promotion of banking habit and expansion of banking systems.
·         Provides refinance for export promotion
·         Expansion of the facilities for the provision of the agricultural credit through NABARD
·         Extension of the facilities for the small scale industries
·         Helping the Co-operative sectors.
·         Prescribe the minimum statutory requirement.
·         Innovating the new banking business transactions.

3.      Supervisory functions
·         Granting licence to Banks.
·         Inspects and makes enquiry or determine position in respect of matters under various sections of RBI and Banking regulations
·         Implements Deposit insurence scheme
·         Periodical review of the work of the commercial banks
·         Giving directives to commercial banks
·         Control the non-banking finance corporation
·         Ensuring the health of financial system through on-site and off-site verification.

NBFCS (Non-Banking Financial Coorporations)
They are discribed by acronym: CAMELS
C: Capital Adequacy requirement
A: Asset quality like standerd ect. asset
M: Management of the level and expertise and praisal capacity of management
E: Earning capacity
L: Liquidity, the level of liquidity and the components of liquidity are verified

S: System and control exist in the NBFC, and its effectiveness.

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