some important words for SSC
- talking a lot, especially about unimportant things
Noun:- Garrulity, Garrulousness
Adverb:- Garrulously
Mind Tricks:-
Garrulous sounds like Girls. Girls talk a lot.
Garrulous sounds like Gorilla. Gorilla talks to each others without any sense.
Meaning:-- strips of shiny material like metal, used as decorations
- impart a cheap brightness to
Adjective:- Tinselly, Tinseled
Mind Tricks:-
Shiny things made up of tin (cheap metal) is called Tinsel.
Meaning:-- a complicated series of paths, which it is difficult to find your way through
Mind Tricks:-
Labyrinth looks like Baby run in the.Baby runs in the crowd so it is difficult to find his way through.
Baby runs in the Labyrinth.
Meaning:-- pleasant and friendly
- sweet fruit-flavoured soft drink
Noun:- Cordiality
Adverb:- cordially
Mind Tricks:-
Meaning:-- without thinking, unthinking
- self-generated thinking (offering help to someone without thinking)
Noun:- Instinct, Instinctiveness
Adverb:- Instinctively
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Meaning:-- (of a sin or mistake) not very serious and therefore able to be forgiven
Noun:- Veniality, Venialness
Adverb:- Venially
Mind Tricks:-
Meaning:-- unwilling to spend money
Mind Tricks:-
Meaning:-- great trouble or suffering
Verb:- Tribulate
Mind Tricks:-
Word Tribulation comes from a device Tribulum.
Tribulum is a heavy board to which sharp pieces of iron are affixed. It is used to threshing grain and cutting the straw . A lot of weight , pressure and hard work require to run a Tribulum.
Word Tribulation comes from a device Tribulum.
Meaning:-- behaviour that is stupid or crazy
- madness
Adjective:- Lunatic
Mind Tricks:-
Meaning:-- slow or unwilling to understand something
- not sharp
Noun:- Obtuseness, Obtusity
Adverb:- Obtusely
Mind Tricks:-
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