Friday, 17 April 2015

English for SSC Exam

A Conjunction is a word which merely joins together sentences and sometimes words.
For example: 1. The man is poor but he is honest.
2. Hari and Rama came home together.
3.This is the place where he was murdered.
Conjunctions are of three (3) types.
(i) Correlative Conjunctions: These are used in pairs. They cannot be used alone.
For example:
Either …………….. or.
Either obey my order or leave the house.
Neither …………… nor.
He is neither wise nor honest.
Both ……………….. and.
Both Ram and Sohan were present.
Though …………… Yet.
Though he is poor, yet he is honest.
So …………………… that.
He is so weak that he cannot walk.
Whether ……………. or.
I do not care whether you sit or stand.
Not only …………….. but also.
He is not only foolish but also obstinate
Hardly/ scarcely …… when.
Hardly had he stepped out, when it started raining,
As …………………….. so
As you sow so shall you reap.
(ii) Co – ordinating Conjunctions: A co- coordinating conjunction joins together clauses of the same parts of the speech means adverb – adverb, noun – noun, adjective –adjective.
The Chief co- ordinating conjunctions are: -else, and, but, for, or, nor, also, yet, etc.
For example: We carved not a line and we raised not a stone.
All precautions must have been neglected for the plague spread rapidly.
(iii)Sub- ordinating Conjunctions: A Sub- ordinating conjunction joins a clause to another or which it depends for its full meaning. The chief sub- ordinating conjunctions are: after, because, if, that, although, though, till, before, unless, as, when, where, what, who, why etc.
For example:
1. After the shower was over the sun shone out again.
2. I do not know why he left us.
Important Preposition :-
A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show in that relation the person or Having denoted by the noun stands to something else.
Some – times it is used after the word it goners.
(a) Here is the boy (Whom) you spoke of.
(b) What are you looking at
(c) When the object is the relative pronoun ‘that’ the preposition is always placed at the end:
as This is the book that were looking far.
(d) When the object is a relative pronoun or and interrogative preposition is used at the end.
Sometimes a word takes a certain preposition after it in one context and a different preposition in another context. Some such words are given as under:
1. Abide by a thing.
Abide with a person.
2. Accuse of crime.
Accused by a person.
Apply to a person
Apply for a thing.
4. Appeal to a person.
Appeal against a thing.
5. Angry with a person.
Angry at a thing.
6. Annoyed at a thing.
Annoyed with a person.
7. Apologize to a person.
Apologize for a thing.
8. Accomplice with a person.
Accomplice in some crime.
9. Agree with a person.
Agree to proposal.
10. Attend to a thing.
Attend upon a person.
Award for a thing.
Award to a person.
11. Account for a thing.
Account to a person.
12. Affiliated to a university.
13. Burns into tears/ rage.
Burns upon a country.
15. Feed on grass.
Feed a cow with grass.
16. Accommodate oneself to circumstance.
Accommodate a person with lodging or loan.
17. Ambitious for a thing.
Ambitious of getting fame.
18. Disgusted at a thing.
Disgusted with a person.
19. Displeased with a person.
Displeased at a thing.
20. Die of disease.
Die for country.
21. Differ from a thing.
Differ with a person.
22. Enquire of a person.
Enquire into a matter.
23. Eager for fame.
Eager in the pursuit of knowledge.
24. Furnish a thing to a person.
Furnish a person with a thing.
25. Familiar with a thing.
26. Good at something.
Good for nothing.
27. Grateful to a person.
Grateful for a thing.
28. Involve in a thing.
Involve with a person.
29. Join with a person.
Join to a thing.
30. Live on food
Live with a person.

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