Tuesday, 9 June 2015



·         The Preamble to the Constitution sets out the main objectives which the Constituent Assembly intended to achieve.
·         The Preamble which is based on the “Objectives Resolution” was drafted and moved by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and adopted by the Constituent Assembly. It has been amended by 42nd Constitution Amendment Act, 1976 by which three new words – Socialist, Secular and Integrity were added.
·         The Supreme Court in the Kesavanandna Bharti Vs. State of Kerala (1973) case over ruled its earlier decision of 1960 and made it clear that the Preamble is a part of the Constitution and is subjected to the amending power of the parliament, provided basic structure of the Constitution as found in the Preamble is not destroyed. However, it is not an essential part of the Constitution.
·         The Preamble is non-justiciable in nature like Directive Principles of State Policy and cannot be enforced in a Court of law.
·         N.A Palkhivala, an eminent jurist termed the Preamble as the “identity card of the Constitution”.
·         India was a dependency (colony) of the British Empire till the passage of the Indian Independence Act, 1947. From August 15, 1947 to January 26,1950 India was having a political status of a dominion in the British Commonwealth of Nations. India declared herself a Sovereign Republic on January 26, 1956.
·         The idea of social, economic and political justice has been taken from the Russian Revolution of 1917.
·         The idea of liberty, equality and franternity mentioned in the Preamble of our Constitution has taken from the French Revolution (1789-1799)
·         The Preamble state that the objectives to be secured to every citizen are:
                       (i) Justice- social, economic & political
                      (ii) Liberty- of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.
                      (iii) Equality- of status, opportunity
                      (iv) Fraternity- to promote fraternity among all assuring the dignity of the individual and unity and integrity of the nation.                                                                                    

It means that there is no authority outside India on which the country is dependent in any means.

It was added by the 42nd Constitution Amendment Act, 1976. The Constitution aims to achieve socialistic pattern through democratic means i.e. the Indian brand of socialism is a democratic socialism and not a communistic socialism.

It was also added by the 42nd Constitution Amendment Act, 1976. It means India is a Secular State. it means the principle of Sarva Dharma Samabhava is vested in India. Secular do not means that India is non- religious or anti- religious, instead every citizen is free to adopt or not to adopt any religion.

India follows Representative Parliamentary Democracy where MPs, MLAs & Panchayat Members are directly & indirectly elected by the people. Preamble however envisages not only political democracy but also social & economic democracy.

Republic means that there exists no hereditary ruler in India and all the authorities of the State are directly or indirectly elected by the people.

The term justice in the Preamble embraces three distinct forms social, economic and political. Social justice denotes the equal treatment of all citizens without any social distinction based on caste, colour, race, religion, sex and so on. Economic justice denotes no discrimination between people on the basis of economic factor. It involves the elimination of glaring inequalities in wealth, income and property.
Political justice implies that all citizens should have equal political rights, equal access to all political offices and equal voice in the government.

The term ‘liberty’ means the absence of restraints on the activities of individuals and at the same time, providing opportunities for the development of individual personalities.

The term ‘equality’ means the absence of special privileges to any section of the society, and the provision of adequate opportunities for all individuals without any discrimination.
Do you know?
The term socialistic pattern of society was adopted as a goal of the Indian State by the Congress in 1955 in Avadi Session.


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