Tuesday, 12 January 2016

English Vocab for SSC EXAM


1. MODICUM- a small amount of something
key: मोदी कम
Description: मोदी जी में छल कपट की भावना बहुत कम है
Synonyms: Fraction, ounce                      
Antonyms: Entirety, whole
Usage: Only a modicum of skill is necessary to put the kit together.

2. MENDACIOUS: having a lying, false character
Key: Asia के men
Description: Asia के men झूठे और बेईमान होते हैं
Synonyms: Dishonest, untruthful                          
Antonyms: honest, veracious
Usage: This newspaper publishes mandacious stories about celebrities.

3. PANACEA: a remedy for all ills or difficulties
Key: pain
Description: प्यार हर pain का इलाज है
Synoyms: cure, relief   
Antonyms: injury, pain
Usage: She believes that chicken soup is a panacea for nearly everything.

4. MERCURIAL: changing often, very changeable
key: mercury
Description: mercury की मात्रा घटती बढ़ती रहती है
Synonyms: unstable, volatile                   
Antonyms: invariable, Steady
Usage: he had a mercurial temperament.

5. PARAGON: a person or thing viewed as a model of excellence
Key: paragon chappals
Description: paragon की  chappals excellent quality की होती हैं
Synonyms: ideal, model                             
Antonyms: imperfection
Usage: your cook is a paragon.

key: pussy cat
Description: Wild dog को देख कर pussy cat डर गयी
Synonyms: afraid, cowardly                   
Antonyms: courageous, fearless
Usage: pusillanimous politcians

7. GRATIS: free
Key: great
Description: Great people गरीबों को  free में खाना खिलाते हैं
Synonyms: costless, chargeless                             
Antonyms: costly, expensive
Usage: a monthly programme was issued gratis

8. MAGNANIMOUS: of a generous and kind nature
Key: नानी माँ
Description: मेरी नानी माँ बहुत उदार स्वभाव की हैं
Synonyms: altruist, generous                   
Antonyms: selfish, mean
Usage: A magnanimous donation to the town's animal shelter

9. EXIGENT: urgent, emergent
key: agent
Description: Agent को बहुत urgent काम है
Synonyms: critical, necessituos                              
Antonyms: noncritical, nonurgent
Usage: the exigent demands of her Autobiography.

10. ENERVATE: to weaken, exhaust    
Key: nerve
Description: उसकी nerve बहुत कमज़ोर हो गयी है
Synonyms: Dampen, devitalize                               
Antonyms: energize, stimulate

Usage: Enervating heat

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