Thursday, 20 July 2017

General Biology

General Awareness - General Biology
Ø  A chemical change in DNA molecule is called mutation.
Ø  Glycogen acts as a short-term food reserve in animals.
Ø  Estrogen is a female-sex hormone.
Ø  The enzyme amylase aids in the digestion of starch.
Ø  ATP synthesis takes place in mitochondria.
Ø  70% of the body weight of a man is water.
Ø  Adipose tissue in human being is present below dermis.
Ø  The tough transparent membrane that protects the eye ball is called cornea.
Ø  Energy is produced in human body by Carbohydrates.
Ø  Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) provides energy for all kinds of activities of a cell.
Ø  Cell wall and vacuoles are present in a plant cell but are absent in an animal cell.
Ø  Sugar is the product of the dark reactions of photosynthesis.
Ø  Melvin Kelvin was awarded Nobel Prize for his work on Photosynthesis
Ø  Chlorophyll contains magnesium in granae.
Ø  The largest flower in the world is Refflessia and the smallest one is wolfessia.
Ø  Penicillin is obtained from penicillium Notatum.
Ø  Reserpine derived from the plant 'serpentine' is used to alleviate high blood pressure.
Ø  Plants, living in acidic soils, are called oxalophytes.
Ø  Photosynthesis is most active in blue and red light in which light energy is
Ø  converted into chemical energy and 02 is not a limiting process during this process.
Ø  The smallest bone, lies stapes is found in the human ear.
Ø  Enzymes are basically proteins.
Ø  Mitochondria is called the 'power house of the cell'
Ø  Pancreas is both an endocrine and exocrine gland.
Ø  Persons of blood group '0' are called 'Universal Donor' while that of 'AB' are
Ø  called 'Universal Acceptors'.
Ø  Seedless fruits are formed by parthenogenesis.
Ø  Simple plants that contain no chlorophyll are called fungi.
Ø  Spirogyra is commonly known as 'pond silk'
Ø  The longest muscle in the human body is found in thigh.
Ø  In some leaves, the outermost layer of cells secrets continuous waxy layer,
Ø  called cuticle.
Ø  In a leaf, the opening between two guard cells is stomata.
Ø  Gibberellins are responsible for cell elongation.
Ø  The chemical name of chlorophyll is magnesium Dihydro prophysin.
Ø  Bile is produced in liver and stored in gel bladder.
Ø  All arteries, except pulmonary artery carry oxygenated blood.
Ø  The main function of W.B. C. is to produce antibodies.
Ø  Retina in the eye, acts as a film in the camera.
Ø  Human tears contain a mild antibacterial agent, named Lysozyme.
Ø  The biggest bone in the human body is femur.
Ø  Vitamin B12 is almost never found in plants.
Ø  Agrostology is the study of grasses.
Ø  Phycology is the study of a algae while the study of fossils is called
Ø  paleontology
Ø  For the formation of chlorophyll iron and magnesium are needed.
Ø  Hydroponics is cultivating plants without using soil.
Ø  Palco botany is the study of fossils of botanical specimens.
Ø  Pepsin & Lactose enzymes ad on proteins in the digestive system.
Ø  The water soluble vitamins are vitamin B and C.
Ø  Insulin in the human body is produced by Pancreas.
Ø  Aorta is an artery which carries oxygenated blood.
Ø  The main region of small intestine for food absorption is ileum.
Ø  R.B.C. survives for 120 days.
Ø    Chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis in plants.
Ø    The vegetation of the desert consists of xerophytes.
Ø  Carrot is a root. While potato is a steam.
Ø    Penicillin is produced from fungi.
Ø    A good source of vitamin A is carrot.
Ø    Plants take nitrogen in the form of nitrates.
Ø    Chlorella algae is rich in protein.
Ø    The cells of woody stem, which are most important for the growth in thickness
Ø    are called the cambium cells.
Ø    The outer layer of cells of a stem is called epidermis.
Ø    Abscise acid is directly responsible for the shedding of a leaf, flower or fruit
Ø    from a plant.
Ø    The largest sperms among plants are found in gymnosperms.
Ø    The 'red snow' phenomenon is caused by the growth of algae.
Ø    Seed dormancy can be broken by treating the seeds with gibberalic acid.
Ø    A plant or plant cell having half the number of chromosomes than a normal
Ø    body cell is called haploid.
Ø    Vitamin-K helps in the process of blood-clotting.
Ø    Amphibian refers to animals, which can live on both land and water.
Ø    The yellow colour of urine is due to the presence of Urochrome.
Ø    Pituitary gland is the growth gland in human body
Ø    Wisdom teeth appear in a human being when age is between 17-30 years.
Ø    Oxygen is present in maximum quantity in human body.
Ø    The exchange of 02 and CO2 takes place in our lungs at alveoli.
Ø    Vitamin-C is found in apples, apricot, and strawberry but not in date.
Ø    Impure blood in the body enters the heart through right auricle.
Ø    The total number of bones in an adult human body is 206.
Ø    The face of a man is made up of 14 bones.
Ø    Maximum absorption in human body takes place in spleen.
Ø    Blood in human body is formed by yellow bone marrow.
Ø    Spleen serves as a 'Blood Bank' in the body.
Ø    The erythrocytes in mammals are enucleated, except in camel.
Ø    The voice-box in birds is Syrinx.
Ø    The average human eye can distinguish about 40 shades of colours.
Ø    Chronology implies the art of repairing damaged bones.
Ø    Tibia and Fibula are the bones present in leg.
Ø    The basic defect of blood in Rhesus negative (Rh-negative) in individuals is
Ø    that certain antibodies cannot be produced by their blood.
Ø    Iron in the body is found mostly in hemoglobin, liver and kidneys.
Ø    An earthworm has no eyes.
Ø    Mitosis is the process of the division of somatic cells of an organism.
Ø    Dry epithelium is found in hairs.
Ø    A person's colour of eyes depends upon the particular pigment present in the
Ø    iris.
Ø    Ovulation generally occurs mid-way through the menstrual cycle.
Ø    The crossing over of the chromosomes takes place in meiosis.
Ø    The largest blood vessel in the body is Aorta.
Ø    Urea is removed from the blood by Kidneys.
Ø    The Iris regulates the size of the Pupil in human eye.
Ø    Estrogen, Testosterone and Androsterone are the sex- hormones.
Ø    Appendix vermiform in man is a vestigial organ.
Ø    The body stores food in the form of fat in adipose tissue.
Ø    The Scientific study of teeth is called odontology.
Ø    Ontology is the study of tumors.
Ø    Oology is the science, which studies birds, eggs, etc.
Ø    Asexual reproduction requires one individual of either sex.
Ø    Antigens are capable of stimulating the formation of antibodies. .
Ø    The yellow colour of cow’s milk is due to the presence of riboflavin.
Ø    The nucleus is absent in Escherichia coli.
Ø    Presence of Urea in the blood is called Uremia.
Ø    In adult human beings, the number of vertebrae is 26.
Ø    Body-building is anabolism, while its disintegration is Katabolism.
Ø    Protoplesm is the physical basis of life.
Ø    The part of human brain that controls sneezing is Medulla oblongata.
Ø    In human body iron is stored in liver.
Ø    The temperature of human body is controlled by hypothalamus.
Ø   Taxonomy is the science dealing with the identification, classification and nomenclature of all living organisms.
ØVitamin and Derived Foods
Ø    Vitamins A: Retinol & Carotene
Ø    Vitamin A: Carrot - night blindness.
Ø    Vitamin D: Caleiferal
Ø    Vitamin D: Sunlight on human skin-Rickets, Softness 'of bones under
Ø    development of teeth of in children.
Ø    Vitamin E: Tocopherol
Ø    Vitamin E: Growing seeds - in potency in humans
Ø    Vitamin K: Tamato
Ø    Vitamin K: -Grain - Blood clotting
Ø    Vitamin B1 -Thiamine
Ø    Vitamin B1: Cereals white flour - Berry berry
Ø    Vitamin B2: Riboflavin
Ø    Vitamin B2: Dairy - redness of eye blurred vision.
Ø    Vitamin B3: Niacen
Ø    Vitamin B3: Meat - Pellagra
Ø    Vitamin B5: Pantothenic acid
Ø    Vitamin B5: Beans - Focial dermatites
Ø    Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine
Ø    Vitamin B6: Whole - convulsions in child.
Ø    Vitamin B12: Cobalamine
Ø    Vitamin B12: Liver, Kidney. Red blood cell production - Pernicious anemia
Ø    Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid
Ø    Vitamin C: Citrus, tomato - Scurvy
Ø    Vitamin P: Nicotina mide
Ø    Vitamin P: Lemon, orange - Growth of bones produces poison in food
Human Diseases Caused by Fungi - Fungal Diseases
Ø    1. Ringworm caused by Microsporum, Trichophyton by direct contact from
Ø    unbathed cats and dogs or objects handled by infected individuals.
Ø    2.Athlete's foot caused by Trichophyton by Bad foot hygiene where skin
Ø    remains warm and moist for long period, fungi finds optimal condition, invade
Ø    dead outer layer of skin.
Ø    Human Diseases Caused by Viruses - Viral Diseases
Ø    1. Smallpox caused by Variola Virus by direct contact (droplets), indirected by infected articles.
Ø    2. Chicken pox caused by Varicella virus by direct contact (droplets) indirected by infected objects.
Ø    3. Common cold caused by Rhinovirus by contact.
Ø    4. Influenza/Flu caused by Orthomixo-virus by contact (droplets) virus
Ø    transmitted through discharge from respiratory tracts of persons infected with disease.
Ø    5. Mumps caused by Mumps virus by direct contact, virus in Saliva and secretion of nose invades salivary glands.
Ø    6. Viral encephalitis caused by Encephalitis virus (arbovirus) by some
Ø    domestic animals reservoir of virus, transmitted by mosquito bite to man.
Ø    7. Poliomyelitis caused by Poliovirus by contact, houseflies, fleas, food and water.
Ø    8. Rabies (Hydrophobia) caused by Rabies virus (Rhabdovirus) by Bite a mad (rabid) dog.
Ø    9. Dengue fever or breakbone fever caused by Dengue virus (arbovirus) by Mosquito (Aedes) bite.
Ø    10. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) caused by Human T-cell Lenkemia virus (HTLV-IlI) also called LAV (Retrovirus) by blood and sperm
Ø    among homosexuals, heterosexuals, intravenous drug users, haemophiliacs,
Øpromiscuous individuals and prostitutes.
Human Diseases Caused by Bacteria - Bacterial Diseases
Ø    1. Septic sore throat caused by Streptococcus Sp by Bacteria infect throat and
Ø    nasal membranes by droplets and direct contact.
Ø    2. Diphtheria caused by Irregular rod (Corynebacterium diphtheria) by
Ø    Bacteria infect respiratory tract by carrier, through contact, droplets and food
Ø    items.
Ø    3. Pneumonia caused by Diplococcus pneumonia by Bacteria transmitted to
Ø    respiratory tract, including the lungs by droplet infection.
Ø    4. Tuberculosis caused by Irregular rod (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) by
Ø    Bacteria transmitted to lungs, bones and other organs by direct contact
Ø    droplet infection, food and milk.
Ø    5. Plague or Bubonic caused by Short rod (Yersinia pestis) by Rat flea
Ø    spreads disease from rat to man.
Ø    6. Tetanus or Lock-Jaw caused by Clostridium tetani by Bacteria in soil, enter
Ø    through wound.
Ø    7. Typhoid or enteric fever caused by, Salmonella typhi by Flies, food, faces
Ø    water and carriers.
Ø    8. Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae by Flies food, stools, water and carriers.
Ø    9. Bacillary dysentery caused by short rod (Shigella dysenteriae)by Flies,
Ø    food, faeces, water and carriers.
Ø    10. Whooping cough caused by small short rod (Hemophilus pertussis) by Droplets protected during coughing and sneezing.
Ø    12. Syphilis caused by Spiral-shaped organism (Treponema pallidam) by direct contact, chiefly sexual intercourse.
Ø    13. Leprosy caused by Mycobacterium Leprae by long and close contact with infected persons.
Ø    14. Botulism caused by Clostridium botulinum by organism produces poison in food.
Human Diseases Caused by Protozoans - Protozoans Diseases
Ø    1. Amoebic dysentery (Amoebiasis) caused by Entamoeba histolytica by
Ø    Transmission from man to man through ingestion of cysts in drinking water
Ø    vegetables and food contaminated with faeces.
Ø    2. Diarrhea 'Giardiasis' caused by Giardia intestinalis by Transmission from
Ø    man to man through ingestion of cysts in drinking water vegetables and food
Ø    contaminated with faces.
Ø    3. Malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax by Transmitted to man by bite of an infected female        auophelise mosquito.
Ø    4. Sleeping sickness (Trypanosomiasis) caused by Trypanosoma brucei by Transmitted by bite of tse-tse fly.


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